Hobbytown’s 1st Annual Mini-fig Fun Day

I am proud to announce that LOLUG will be co-hosting the 1st annual Hobbytown Mini-Fig Fun Day. This event will be hosted by Hobbytown USA and their south location at 4107 Pioneer Woods Dr. suite 108 in Lincoln, Ne on December the 8th from 11-3.

What is a “Mini-fig Fun Day” you ask? Well I’m glad you did. Folks from both LOLUG and Hobbytown will be hosting a mini-fig exchange event where we invite the public to come in and swap out any old unwanted LEGO mini-figs with for different ones. Participants will have the chance to swap with LOLUG members as well as among each other.

Also, we will be running our popular Mini-Fig Speed Building Competition all day long. If you enjoyed participating in this event at Nebraska Brick Days this year, or looking to bone up for next year, this is the perfect time.

In addition to all that LEGO goodness, members of LOLUG will be around to answer questions, help with building techniques, or just shoot the breeze about all things LEGO.

Hope to see you all there, and until then, PLAY WELL!!

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